
AVY Kochhar Business Academy

IBA has evolved to be one of the leading Corporate Leadership Coaching & Transformation Company with a broad portfolio of continuous learning initiatives to cater to the needs of the organization. IBA provides innovative & creative training programs. Our core passion is to design and customize content and deliver workshops and training programs to upgrade the Leadership, behavioural and soft skills of your employees and align their workplace challenges to meet the organizational goals.

Training and Development are key pillars of talent development & talent management. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce and yield the best results. Constant training programs enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the employees. Our coaching, trainings and assessment give you all that you need for enhancing your human resource competencies and develop leaders for tomorrow. We customize all training Out of Box Solutions to work within the practical realities of your organization.

  1. Is the management’s vision aligned with all the employees?
  2. Is your leadership aligned & equipped to face future challenges at all levels?
  3. Are your employees aware of their strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Are your people updates as per industry changes?
  5. Do your people respond positive towards change?
  6. Are your team motivated enough to carry forward the company’s goals?
  7. Are your teams aligned with the leadership?
  8. Are your people able to understand and meet the customer expectations?
  9. Does your internal department work in sync with other departments?
  10. Have you successfully build Succession Pipeline?


LEADERSHIP Coaching SolutionsIMPACT LEADERSHIP TrainingIMPACT Sales Training
Trainers AcademyBEHAVIOUR Training ProgramsIMPACT Functional Training
DIGITAL Marketing Programs E Training SolutionsAssessment & Reports

Leadership Coaching Solutions

  • Executive Leadership Coaching
  • Executive Sales Coaching
  • Executive Life Coaching

Impact Sales Training

  • Sell Like A Champion
  • Power Selling
  • Customer First
  • Negotiable Techniques for Sales team

Impact Functional Skill Programs

  • How to effectively recryit & develop HR?
  • Finance for no finance people.

Soft behaviour Skill Programs

  • Hi Impact Presentation Skills
  • Mastering Your decision Skills
  • Communication Skills for Finance Team
  • Image Building & Personality Enhancement
  • Women Empowerment
  • Global Business Etiquettes
  • Creativity & Innovation in Execution

Assessment & Records


E Training Solutions

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